Urgent Attention Required: Improper Disposal of Street/Rabid Dog Carcasses


The Editor,

The Veterinary News and Views (Weekly).

Dear Sir.

I am writing to bring to your attention a pressing concern that requires immediate action. In many areas of the country, Dog shooters from municipal committee offices and individuals responsible for controlling stray dog populations are disposing of dead dogs in open environments. Additionally, dogs or cats also die during road accidents and no one buries their carcasses This practice poses significant risks to

I urge you to provide this information to the Director General of the Environment and even the Minister of Environment so she can take swift action to address this issue, ensuring the safe and proper disposal of animal carcasses. I request that you: Investigate this matter promptly, implement proper disposal protocols for animal carcasses, and educate those responsible for dog control about the risks associated with improper disposal. (I can provide services to train and provide awareness sessions with the collaboration of a local NGO Sara Welfare Organization, Rahim Yar Khan. Thank you for your attention to this critical matter.

I look forward to seeing publishing this letter.


Dr. Majeeda Rasheed

Assistant professor

Department of Life Sciences

Faculty of Natural and Applied Sciences

University of Engineering & Information Technology

Abu Dhabi Road, Rahim Yar Khan

majeeda.rasheed@kfueit.edu.pk, meri92552@yahoo.com